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Victoria Valentina pornstar - Free Victoria Valentina porn videos

Victoria Valentina

Victoria Valentino

Victoria Valentina
Scottsdale,Arizona,United States 3862
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Information about Victoria Valentina

  • Birth: 6/4/1981, 43 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 1 in (157 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
Sexy pornstar Scottsdale, Arizona. He graduated in Communication degree majoring in Psychology from Arizona State University. works from studying in college, doing odd jobs and part-time model. Participated in promoting Budweiser as a child and as a bikini model. After graduating, he worked in business for long.

After years becomes a dancer in Phoenix, Arizona, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Colorado and New Mexico for four years. Then he decided to study dance. He also won a prize of Penthouse Club in New Orleans in 2007. Began making adult films in March 2007

's like dancing, movies, cooking, travel