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Vittoria Risi pornstar - Free Vittoria Risi porn videos

Vittoria Risi

Vitoria Risi, Vittoria Arisi, Vittoria Guidi

Vittoria Risi
Venice,Venice,Italy 3453
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Information about Vittoria Risi

  • Birth: 3/11/1978, 46 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 7 in (175 cm)Weight:132 lbs (60 kg)Gender:Female
Apparently, this beautiful Italian woman paid attention to her creative vein and studied Fine Arts.

During several years she worked as a real estate agent in Venice, where she put down roots, and which is also the source of her artistic and sexual fantasies.

She’s quite a female symbol of sexual desire for men, able to express her sexuality in an open-minded and natural way (like emulating the comic by Manara, women with style and ready to achieve their sexual desires).

One day she decided to express herself through her body, as if she was an artist painting his canvas, and it was at that point when she ended up devoting herself to eroticism and porn.

She has participated in some tv shows, hitting the catwalk in underwear.

In february 2009, she was the host of the Hunting and Flavor Fair during the Carnival of Venice ,parading the Grand Canal while impersonating Veronica Franco, a Venetian poet and courtesan.

Enjoying fashion and art