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Vivian Schmitt pornstar - Free Vivian Schmitt porn videos

Vivian Schmitt

Vivian Schmidt, Vivian Schmit

Vivian Schmitt
Bydgoszcz,Kuyavia-Pomerania,Poland 3684
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Information about Vivian Schmitt

  • Birth: 31/3/1978, 46 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 6 in (173 cm)Weight:114 lbs (52 kg)Gender:Female
Also known as Anna B. Vivian Schmitt is a European porn star Polish-German. The blonde Vivian Schmitt received the Venus Award as Actress in 2004. The European pornstar dare with anal, bukkake, fists in pussy aka fisting and double penetration. In 2009, she starred in her first mainstream movie, not rated X, directed by underground filmmaker German Timo Rose

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