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Wanda Curtis pornstar - Free Wanda Curtis porn videos

Wanda Curtis

Annalisa Montezemolo, Vanda Curtis, Hajnalka Katalin Kovacs

Wanda Curtis
,,Hungary 3994
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Information about Wanda Curtis

  • Birth: 7/11/1975, 49 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 7 in (175 cm)Weight:119 lbs (54 kg)Gender:Female
His real name is Hajnalka Katalin Kovacs

Wanda Curtis was born in Hungary, on November 7, 1975. At 21 he was working in the sex district of Budapest, and it was there she was discovered by American porn producers in 1997. She is one of the most exciting women on the scene today.
Wanda Curtis is a cute brunette with a tattoo on one arm and an amazing ass. In one of his best performances begins with Joel Lawrence in his office while Mario looks. Joel and start kissing passionately Wanda while removing her clothes to each other. Mario finally Wanda sum to give some oral pleasure as she makes fellatio on Joel.

She starts with a blowjob and then extends tender heat when she sucks Mario while Joel penetrates from behind. It's a great blowjob. Then she turns to the Mario can fuck alone, with Joel disappearing and then reappearing a few minutes to spread butter on both Wanda's face.
When they seem to have done it again they strive to ensure you get every last drop of them. It is a scene that is sensual in the beginning and at the end becomes very torrid