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Yoha Galvez pornstar - Free Yoha Galvez porn videos

Yoha Galvez

Yoha Galvez
Pereira,Risaralda,Colombia 3749
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Information about Yoha Galvez

  • Birth: 3/8/1985, 39 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 3 in (162 cm)Weight:112 lbs (51 kg)Gender:Female
He met his partner, Leo Galvez, while working in Andalucía as a waitress. After some time together they decided to leave their jobs and start a new adventure in porn, so do not hesitate to move for a year to Budapest in Hungary. Yoha Alli worked with great producers like Rocco Siffreddi, Marc Dorcel, Pierre Woodman, Private, DDF, etc... In December 2009 he moved to the city Barcelona