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Zdenka Podkapova pornstar - Free Zdenka Podkapova porn videos

Zdenka Podkapova

Zdenka Novotna

Zdenka Podkapova
Brno,South Moravia,Czech Republic 4114
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Information about Zdenka Podkapova

  • Birth: 6/8/1977, 47 Age.
  • Height:5 ft 4 in (167 cm)Weight:110 lbs (50 kg)Gender:Female
Before starting her modeling career was professional gymnast for 10 years, Cincon was for years in the national gymnastics team of the Czech Republic.

In 1996 he made his first posing nude photo shoots until 1998 contacted Penthouse U.S. magazine which published his photo on the cover in April this year.

Subsequently appeared in many magazines with erotic imagery (Perfect 10, Perfection, Esquire, QUO, Ironman, Front and Maxim)

It is considered one of the European muses and is currently one of the most wanted babes online

Gymnastics and sport in general