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Alina has cheated on her boyfriend and he has found out about her infidelity. In revenge, he plans a dirty plot to make a huge brown-skinned stud bang her in his presence, without her knowing that a stranger is penetrating her without a condom. At the end, the guy cums in her wet vagina and fucks her once again in front of her boyfriend, who consents to the infidelity in order to take revenge, and even grabs his girlfriend to let the other guy shag her without letting her defend herself

  • Tube site:Xvideos
  • Rating:8.6
  • Number of ratings:46
  • Duration:12:12
  • Creation date:24/11/2014
  • Last update:09/07/2020
  • Quality: HD
Categories: Sado & Fetish Fucked Interracial Teens
Luna Star fucking with a stud and a machine at the same time Next Video

Luna Star fucking with a stud and a machine at the same time

The fiery Latin babe Luna Star has sex with a man on the bed that's in her apartment while fiddling with a motorized sex machine. She makes the relentless machine that's provided with a mechanical dildo screw her while she's giving head to her companion. After that, the brown-skinned girl rides the stud's cock while playing with the fucking machine, wearing a pair of colorful stilettos that look like ankle boots