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Lady Mai appears with glasses in this porn video in which she's fucked on all fours. The glasses do not only serve her to see better, but also to make her look more interesting and naiv, with that angel face, acting like she has never even killed a fly in her life, despite showing up fucking like a real nympho slut in heat.

  • Tube site:Cumlouder
  • Rating:8.8
  • Number of ratings:304
  • Duration:38:04
  • Creation date:03/09/2013
  • Last update:14/02/2024
  • Quality: HD
Categories: Asian Pornstars Spanish Fucked Brunette
Rikki Six and Marco Banderas in a Western in the purest porn style Next Video

Rikki Six and Marco Banderas in a Western in the purest porn style

Marco Banderas and Rikki Six star in this porn parody in which they act in the distant and wild West. Rikki plays the role of a saloon prostitute, who rejects to fuck with a wicked outlaw, role played by Marco himself, who plays the role of sheriff and savior of the beautiful blonde too. After the typical fight or duel, the whore pays in flesh and as a sign of her gratitude to the sheriff, fucking with him in one of the bar and theater living rooms.