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Jordanne Kali has gotten into a boat where she will get ass fucked for the first time in her life. She thinks that as it is gonna happen outdoors and on the water, it is going to be more bearable, but she will go through hell while getting her asshole thrusted by the dick, getting also an internal cumshot that will fill her aching anus with hot cum.

  • Tube site:Xvideos
  • Rating:7.3
  • Number of ratings:241
  • Duration:44:02
  • Creation date:20/05/2014
  • Last update:22/09/2016
  • Quality:SD
Categories: Anal Sex Pornstars Blondes
Giselle Mari eating her favorite singer's asshole Next Video

Giselle Mari eating her favorite singer's asshole

Giselle Mari has met her favorite singer, an outdated and a sickeningly sweet guy, who is a pest, specially when he plays his guitar. The young girl has been moved by his music, and she has ass kissed him, opening her twat after that to get fucked by this opportunist artist.